Mahi Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga lifestyle

The benefits of Yoga, Yoga lifestyle

Jala Neti Yogic Cleansing

Are you a practicing yogi or yogini?
Do you consider your body as your temple and your practice your prayers?
Have you ever been curious about how to keep your body temple clean and fresh?
Or are you simply seeking a way towards a healthier cleaner lifestyle?
Do you suffer with sinus congestion or frequent allergies?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then read on and discover all about the ancient cleansing techniques of jala neti

Yoga lifestyle, Yoga Poses, Yoga Teacher Training Advice

12 Yoga Arm Balances Poses

We all know Yoga is not about how your poses look, but it is also hard to deny that some poses are quite awe-inspiring and strength-building and therefore a goal many practitioners are working towards. I would like to help you improve your own arm-balancing technique as well as to help you safely teach your students how to attempt arm balances without fear and without hurting themselves.

Meditation Techniques India
Meditation, Yoga lifestyle

How Can Yoga Help In Stress Management?

Before expecting any beneficial outcome, consistency in practice and belief are essential. You must have faith in your ability to manage stress with the support of consistent practice. Yoga Poses can help you feel calm, at ease, and relieved from the thoughts that have been racing through your head. Watch the kids in your family or the neighborhood; they laugh and play with their pals to forget their troubles. They can reduce their tension by playing with other children who share their interests and by moving their bodies. You get just that through yoga!

🌿 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training – March: $900 | April: $1000 🌿 Enroll Now
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