Mahi Yoga Blog
We are here to share the best information regarding yoga , meditation, and healthcare. Follow our blog post for updated information

Yoga for Seniors
A fun way to stay healthy, happy and young at heart! What are the benefits of Yoga for Seniors? Plus 5 yoga poses to get you started

Partner Yoga- The benefits & a few poses to try out!
If you are looking for a way to add some lightness and fun to your yoga practice, get people involved or build connections. Give partner yoga a try!!

A Guide to Pregnancy Yoga
Pregnancy yoga is a wonderful tool to help you navigate your way through your pregnancy journey mentally, physically and spiritually.

How to build a successful yoga career!
The golden rules of building a successful yoga career! A successful yoga career is a career just like any other profession.

Yoga for Mental Health
yoga is not only about the physical changes to your body – Yoga for Mental Health also offers an endless number of psychological and mental health benefits.

How to do Shavasana
Learn about the yoga pose Shavasana. How to do Shavasana? What are the benefits of Shavasana? The myth behind Shavasana?

The Ultimate guide to Yoga Style.
Indecisive on which Yoga Style is for you? Mahi Yoga School instructs multiple styles of yoga in their 200 hour and 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training Courses.

How to do Virabhadrasana A
Virabhadrasana A is a wonderful pose as it helps to strengthen the legs and open the shoulders and chest. The arms and gaze reaching up as if ascending upwards…

Warrior Pose the Myth
The three variations of the warrior pose are based in a myth about Shiva and Sati. The warrior pose itself represents a warrior inside us who battles every day to confront our ego.