Mahi Yoga Teacher Training

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In India

  • The 300 Hour Teacher Training Course is an advanced level teacher training practice where you will get various implements on anatomy, instructing, philosophy, asana, and therapeutic yoga. However, 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training program is for those individuals who have just completed RYT 200 hours.At Mahi Yoga School, We do cover advance level series of Asana, for example, Ashtanga, Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga during 300-hour yoga teacher training course in India.The 300-hour yoga teacher training program is a whole traditional yet residential multi-style Hatha, Vinyasa & Ashtanga yoga course that is run for the length of about a month. It develops the information learned in the 200-hour, to lift your abilities and extend your comprehension of yogic standards. Course fee included accommodation and food. At Mahi Yoga School,  finally, you will be an expert yoga teacher with RYS 300 – Yoga Alliance USA, after the confirmation of 300 Hour Yoga TTC. Students must enrol themselves with Yoga Alliance before they may utilize the “RYT” term.

    Who can join a 300 Hour yoga teacher training course?

    • If you already have completed 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training Couse from a Yoga Alliance authorize school
    • Whenever back and joints are ready to rehearse 20 to 30 rounds of Sun Salutations consistently
    • When you are advanced enough to hold essential asanas for at least 1 moment
    • Once your lung Capacity to support in any event one hour of Pranayamas a day, two brief sessions independently
    • When your core strength sufficient to do 15 to 20 twofold leg lifts ceaselessly
    • So far, If you already have basic knowledge of Physiology and Anatomy of Human Body
    • Once your physical stamina is ready to do the intense practice of 10 hours/day plan
    • When your psychologically developed to deal with all the passionate crazy ride and social contrasts of the gathering

    Who cannot join the 300-hour yoga teacher training course?

    • Any brain or heart related medical issues
    • High Blood Pressure
    • Any medical conditions or past injuries with chronic back or spine ache
    • Any past injuries to shoulders, neck, and knees
    • Pregnant

    Following topics are covered in this program:

    Techniques Training & Practice

    • Multi-Style Asana Classes: Motivated by 5 Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Iyenger Yoga and YIN Yoga. Yin and Yang Yoga give the experience of the various more extensive point of view on yoga!
    • Theory of 5 basics based on Traditional Chinese Medicine
    • Theory of 3 doshas ad 5 elements based on Ayurveda and Yoga 
    • Seasons associated with 5 elements
    • Yoga practices committed to each element, along with pranayama, asanas, meditation for every element
    • Elemental structure of the “matter” and its effect on our minds, bodies, as well as emotions
    • 5 elements theory and anatomy – organs linked to theory, 5 elements, and rehearsal of chakras, meridians, Nadis, density points of our body
    • Yoga exercises supporting acupressure points and meridians
    • Basic yoga treatment – yoga for well-being support
    • Alignment and adjustments– including changes supporting meridians, balancing elements & organs and activating pressure points
    • Massage practices
    • Philosophy of health, happiness, as well as freedom based on Vedanta and Yoga
    • A lot of good fun
    • A lot of experience in teaching

     Yoga Philosophy, Ethics, and Lifestyle for Yoga Teachers:

    • The essence of Yoga – definitions, history, contemporary meaning and modes
    • Definition of yoga and its interpretations
    • Cultural and historical background of Yoga along with 5 Elements
    • 3 doshas and 3 Gunas
    • Patanjali Yoga Sutras as well as their up-to-date selection (interpretations); 8 limbs of yoga as well as their significance in the modern World
    • How can we relate Yoga philosophy in the modern lifestyle?
    • Meaning and values of being Yogi
    • Ethics for yoga teachers
    • The Daily routine of yogic: the meaning of practice, principles of diet, as well as the principle of lifestyle
    • Residence for Yogi in present World
    • The Self as well as The Ego
    • Guided group conversation about basic ethical issues linked to yoga
    • Self-Awareness
    • The Consciousness
    • The Accountability of working as a Yoga Teacher


    • The practice of teaching under the control of the teacher:
    • In small groups
    • In pairs
    • Real class for clients under the teacher’s control
    • In a big group
    • Feedback – giving and receiving
    • Practical exam of teaching

    The aim of 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India?

    The main purpose of the advance yoga teacher training course is deepening your practice and knowledge of Yoga. This course is a multi-style yoga TTC that incorporates hatha yoga, ashtanga vinyasa and propelled level of yoga from a 200-hour yoga teacher training course.

    What can I learn from this 300-hour course by being a teacher?

    Being a Yoga coach or a Yoga teacher, you will get introduced with the different classification in the yogic practices. The yogic stances may vary from individual to individual and body to body so it is the movement of a nice yoga instructor to change the most ideal yogic asana work on as indicated by the professional’s body.

    You’ll also learn the advance level of breathing practices (pranayama), yoga theory from the old yogic substance, for instance, yoga sutra Patanjali, Shrimad Bhagvat Geeta, Grand Samhita, Upanishads, Hatha Yoga Pradeepika, and so forth.

    Students will moreover ace presenting of mantras with music set up and harmonium. Assignments will moreover be given to the students before the completion of the second week for which students need to set up an itemized investigation on their individual endeavour which will grow their theoretical and viable information on yoga and its assortment.

    Advance Yoga Class – 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training at Mahi Yoga

    If you are planning 300-hour yoga teacher training in India then Mahi yoga School is the right choice for you. We will give our best teaching to make you advance the level of master in yoga.

    If you are beginners, then we recommend you to first join us for 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training India.

    Get more details about our 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course India
    Kindly read more details about our Yoga Teacher Training in Dharamshala, India
    Read more details about our Yoga Teacher Training in Goa, India

    Apply here for our Multi-style Yoga Teacher Training course Enrollment Form


    In conclusion, This Advanced 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training in India is intended for yoga teachers and students who finished 200 hours yoga instructor preparing from a perceived school as of now. Propelled Yoga Teacher Training in our ashram extends the comprehension of cutting edge pranayamas, asanas, yoga Nidra kriyas, and so on. This yoga teacher training improves both self-practice and capacity to show advanced sequences and poses, which are not shrouded in 200 hours yoga teacher preparing confirmation courses.

    Other Important Links:

🌿 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training – March: $900 | April: $1000 🌿 Enroll Now
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