Surya Namaskar B – Dynamic Journey in Advanced Sun Salutations
Surya Namaskar B – Dynamic Journey in Advanced Sun Salutations
Surya Namaskar B, or Sun Salutation B, is a more vigorous and advanced flow than its counterpart, Surya Namaskar A. It builds upon the foundation of A by incorporating additional postures and variations, creating a dynamic and invigorating yoga practice.
Here’s a brief overview of the 8 asana with 19 steps postures included in Surya Namaskar B:
1. Samasthiti
Breath = Deep Ujjayi
Drishti = Nose
Example Instructions = Toes together, heels together, weight spread evenly over the feet, lower abdomen pulled in, shoulders rolled back, finger tips pointing to the ground, chin parallel to the floor.
2. Utkatasana : Chair Pose
Breath = Inhale
Drishti = Thumbs
Example Instructions = Bend the knees, bring the arms up, press the palms together.
3. Uttanasana: Standing Forward Fold pose
Breath = Exhale
Drishti = Nose
Example Instructions = Fold forward, straighten the legs, crown of the head towards the ground, palms by the feet
4. Urdvah Uttanasana
Birth = Inhale
Drishti = 3rd Eye
Example Instructions = Lengthen the spine, lift the head, engage the back muscles
5. Four Limbed Staff Pose | Chaturanga Dandasana
Breath = Inhale
Drishti = Nose
Example Instructions = Jump or step back, lower down, feet hip width apart, elbows in beside the ribs, chest broad, fingers spread
6. Urdvah Mukkha Svanasana | Upward Facing Dog
Breath = Inhale
Drishti = Upward
Example Instructions = Lift the chest, roll onto the top of the feet, open the shoulders, thighs up off the floor
7. Adho Mukha Svanasana |Downward Facing Dog
Breath = Exhale
Drishti = Navel
Example Instructions = Lift the hips up, roll back onto the feet, press the palms, open the shoulders, send the heels to the ground, bandha engaged.
8. Virabhadrasana A | Warrior Pose
Breath = Inhale
Drishti = Thumbs
Example Instructions = Twist the left foot 45°, right foot between the hands, square the hips, bend the knee 90° making sure it doesn‘t come over the toes. Arms up palms together
9. Chaturanga Dandasana
Breath = Exhale
Drishti = Nose
Example Instructions = Palms next to the feet, step the right foot back, lower down.
10. Urdvah Mukkha Svanasana
Breath = Inhale
Drishti = Upward
Example Instructions = Lift the chest, roll onto the top of the feet, open the shoulders, thighs up off the floor.
11. Adho Mukha Svanasana |Downward Facing Dog
Breath = Exhale Stay 5 breaths
Drishti = Navel
Example Instructions = Lift the hips up, roll back onto the feet, press the palms, open the shoulders, send the heels to the ground, bandha engaged.
12. Urdvah Uttanasana
Birth = Inhale
Drishti = 3rd Eye
Example Instructions = Lengthen the spine, lift the head, engage the back muscles
13. Uttanasana: Standing Forward Fold pose
Breath = Exhale
Drishti = Nose
Example Instructions = Fold forward, straighten the legs, crown of the head towards the ground, palms by the feet
14. Utkatasana : Chair Pose
Breath = Inhale
Drishti = Thumbs
Example Instructions = Bend the knees, bring the arms up, press the palms together.
15. Samasthiti
Breath = Deep Ujjayi
Drishti = Nose
Example Instructions = Samasthiti
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