Mahi Yoga Teacher Training

Standing Pose

Standing Tall: Mastering Ashtanga's Foundation

The Ashtanga Primary Series isn’t just a yoga practice, it’s a physical and mental odyssey. We journey through postures, breath, and focus, forging strength, resilience, and inner peace. And it all begins with the standing postures.

Standing Postures

The Postures in the standing sequence are presented as the final postures, which may not be accessible for Beginners. We will explain how to modify the postures throughout the course.

Modifications and adjustments for each asana are written in the space below.

1. Padangushtasana – Big Toe Posture

Instruction = Hold Posture For 5 Breaths

Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose): Imagine reaching for the stars, but instead, touching your big toe! This powerful standing pose stretches your hamstrings, calves, and spine, building strength and flexibility while improving balance and posture. It’s like a full-body orchestra of benefits, playing a tune of improved circulation, mental clarity, and stress relief. Grab your big toe (or a strap if you’re just starting), lengthen your spine, and feel the world open up beneath you.

A man performing Padangusthasana, also known as Big Toe Posture, in a yoga studio.

2. Padahastasana (Hands Under Feet Pose)

Padahastasana (Hands Under Feet Pose): From the heights of Padangusthasana, we descend to a grounded oasis. Padahastasana, with your hands firmly planted beneath your feet, is a deep forward fold that massages your internal organs, lengthens your spine, and soothes your nervous system. This pose is like a warm hug from the inside out, calming your mind and releasing tension. Feel your breath deepen, your worries melt away, and your body find its centre.

A man performing Padangusthasana, also known as Big Toe Posture, in a yoga studio.

3. Parivriita Trikonasana – Twisting Triangle Posture

Instruction = Hold Posture For 5 Breaths

Parivritta Trikonasana, also known as Revolved Triangle Pose, is a dazzling asana that combines strength, flexibility, and a deep twist, making it a true gem in any yoga practice. Imagine extending your body into a triangle, then adding a powerful corkscrew rotation – that’s the essence of this pose!

A man practicing Utthita Trikonasana, the Extended Triangle Pose, in a yoga studio.

4. Utthita Parsvakonasana – Extended Side Angle Posture

Instruction = Hold Posture For 5 Breaths

Utthita Parsvakonasana, also known as Extended Side Angle Pose, is a powerful asana that stretches and strengthens your entire body, from your fingertips to your heels. Imagine lunging deeply, then opening your chest and ribs towards the ceiling, reaching for the sky with one arm while grounding down with the other. This pose is like a full-body symphony of benefits, leaving you feeling invigorated, flexible, and balanced.

A man performing Utthita Parsvakonasana, the Extended Side Angle Posture, in a yoga studio.

5. Parivriita Parsvakonasana – Twisting Side Angle Posture

Instruction = Hold Posture For 5 Breaths

Parivritta Parsvakonasana, also known as Revolved Side Angle Pose, is a dazzling asana that takes the power and stretch of Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose) and adds a delightful twist, making it a true crown jewel in any yoga practice. Imagine lunging deeply, then reaching one arm towards the ceiling and the other down towards your back foot, twisting your torso like a graceful vine stretching towards the sun. This pose is a whirlwind of benefits, leaving you feeling invigorated, supple, and radiating inner strength.

A man practicing Parivritta Parsvakonasana - Twisting Side Angle Pose during yoga session.

6. Prasarita Padottanasana – Wide Leg Forward Bend (A –D)

Prasarita Padottanasana, or Wide-Legged Forward Bend, comes in four variations (A-D) offering a progressive stretch for your hamstrings, spine, and hips. Think wide stance, reach for your toes (or blocks!), and fold deeper with each iteration:


(A): A gentle introduction, fold from the hips while keeping your knees slightly bent.

(B): Deeper fold, straighten your front leg and grab your shin or calf if you can.

(C): Advanced step, reach for your big toes with full leg extension, opening your chest and spine.

(D): Intense stretch, grab your big toes and bend your elbows, drawing your head towards your mat.

A man practicing Prasarita Padottanasana - Wide Leg Forward Bend variation during yoga practice.

7. Parsvottanasana – Intense Side Stretch Posture

Parsvottanasana, also known as Intense Side Stretch Pose, isn’t for the faint of heart. But for those willing to explore, it’s a gateway to a symphony of benefits! Imagine standing tall, then folding deeply over one leg, reaching your arm towards your foot like a graceful willow swaying in the breeze. This pose ignites a cascade of stretches and strengthens your body from the ground up.

A man performing Parsvottanasana - Intense Side Stretch Pose during yoga practice.

8.Utthita Hasta Padangushtasana (A-D) Extended Hand To Big Toe Posture

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana, also known as Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose. It’s not just a pose, it’s an adventure – a series of four variations (A, B, C, and D) that scale a mountain of stretching, strengthening, and balancing challenges, each rewarding you with stunning vistas of inner growth.


A man performing Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana A - Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose during a yoga session.
A man performing Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana B - Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose variation during yoga practice.
A man performing Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana C - Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose variation during yoga practice.
A man performing Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana D - Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose advanced variation during yoga practice.

9. Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana – Half Bound Lotus Forward Bend

Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana, also known as Half Bound Lotus Forward Bend, is a yoga pose that combines the half lotus pose and the standing forward bend pose. The name comes from the Sanskrit words ardha, meaning “half”, baddha, meaning “bound”, padma, meaning “lotus”, uttana, meaning “intense stretch”, and asana, meaning “pose” or “posture”.

A man performing Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana - Half Bound Lotus Forward Bend during yoga practice.

10. Utkatasana – Fierce Posture

Utkatasana, also known as the Chair Pose, is a yoga asana that translates to “Fierce Seat” or “Powerful Pose” in Sanskrit. It’s a fundamental yoga pose that can provide many physical and mental benefits. 


A man performing Utkatasana - Fierce Posture during yoga practice.


Virabhadrasana I, also known as Warrior Pose I, is a magnificent standing posture in yoga that embodies inner strength, stability, and grace. It engages multiple muscle groups and offers a multitude of benefits for both your physical and mental well-being.


A man performing Virabhadrasana A - Warrior I Pose during yoga practice.


Virabhadrasana B (Warrior II Pose) is a powerful standing yoga pose that builds strength, stability, and focus. Named after Virabhadra, a fierce warrior in Hindu mythology, this pose embodies both grace and power.

A man performing Virabhadrasana B - Warrior II Pose during yoga practice.

To Learn these asana you can join bellow Teacher Training

A man practicing Parivritta Parsvakonasana - Twisting Side Angle Pose during yoga session.

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

A man performing Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana A - Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose during a yoga session.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

A man performing Parsvottanasana - Intense Side Stretch Pose during yoga practice.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

A man performing Padangusthasana, also known as Big Toe Posture, in a yoga studio.

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