Surya Namaskar, also known as Sun Salutation, is a powerful sequence of 12 yoga postures performed in a flowing, continuous manner. It’s more than just a physical exercise; it’s a practice steeped in symbolism and tradition, often performed at sunrise as a reverent greeting to the sun, the source of life and energy. In the realm of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, the practice of Surya Namaskar A takes on a profound dimension—one that extends beyond the physical postures. At its core, this sequence is a ritual to kindle the sun or fire energy within oneself, igniting a transformative process aimed at heating the body and awakening the dormant, energetic nature that resides within. This blog delves into the informative exploration of how Surya Namaskar A serves as a potent tool in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, shedding light on its role in awakening the inner sun, stoking the flames of vitality, and nurturing the dynamic energy that lies at the heart of this transformative practice
Surya Namaskar (A) – Sun Salutation (A)
Sun Salutation A, also known as Surya Namaskar A, is a powerful sequence of 7 yoga postures that flow together in a graceful dance with 11steps. It’s more than just a physical exercise; it’s a practice steeped in symbolism and tradition, often performed at sunrise as a reverent greeting to the sun, the source of life and energy. While you practice need ujjayi breath which increase heat inside the body which will start to melt toxins thought the swat all come out
1. Samasthiti
Breath = Deep Ujjayi
Drishti = Nose
Example Instructions = Toes together, heels together, weight spread evenly over the feet, lower abdomen pulled in, shoulders rolled back, finger tips pointing to the ground, chin parallel to the floor.
2. Urdhva Hastasana
Breath = Inhale
Drishti = Thumbs
Example Instructions = Bring the arms up, press the palms together
3. Standing Forward Bend | Uttanasana
Breath = Inhale
Drishti = 3rd Eye
Example Instructions = Lengthen the spine, lift the Head
4. Four Limbed Staff Pose | Chaturanga Dandasana
Breath = Inhale
Drishti = Nose
Example Instructions = Jump or step back, lower down, feet hip width apart, elbows in beside the ribs, chest broad, fingers spread
5. Upward Facing Dog | Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
Breath = Inhale
Drishti = Upward
Example Instructions = Lift the chest, roll onto the top of the feet, open the shoulders, thighs up off the floor
6. Downward Facing Dog | Adho Mukha Svanasana
Breath = Exhale Stay 5 breaths
Drishti = Navel
Example Instructions = Lift the hips up, roll back onto the feet, press the palms, open the shoulders, send the heels to the ground, bandha engaged.
7. Standing Half Forward Bend | Ardha Uttanasana
Breath = Inhale
Drishti = 3rd Eye
Example Instructions = Bring the feet between the hands, lengthen the spine, look up.
8. Standing Forward Bend | Uttanasana
Breath = Exhale
Drishti = Nose
Example Instructions = Try to touch the chin on the knees.
9. Upward Salute | Urdhva Hastasana (Palm Tree Pose)
Breath = Inhale
Drishti = Thumbs
Example Instructions = Come all the way up with the spine straight, arms up, palms together, look at the thumbs
10. Samasthiti
Breath = Exhale
Drishti = Nose
Example Instructions = Samasthiti
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